Unit #4

Resultado de imagen de Mr. Bean - At the Restaurant

Mr. Bean - At the Restaurant

Review of the Video

Heading to a fancy restaurant to celebrate his birthday, Bean is seated at a table and left to choose his meal from a menu by the maitre d'. While making his choice, leaving the money for the food on a plate, he writes out a birthday card to himself, When the maitre d' returns, Bean orders what he thinks will be a regular steak,.". When the waiter arrives with his meal, Bean pays him for the meal, making him think he is being given a generous tip. Upon being left to eat his meal, Bean finds that he had ordered a steak tartare, which he soon finds disgusting upon tasting a bit of it, being forced to swallow the first bite to avoid upsetting the restaurant staff.. Bean cuts it up and sticks bits of the meal in different places on his table. First, he hides some of it in an ashtray, then a tiny flower vase, before hollowing out a portion of the bread roll on his table and using the hollow to hide more of the meal, before sliding some under a small plate, and another portion within the base of a sugar bowl.
Shortly after this, a violinist walks towards his table and spotting his card, plays "Happy Birthday" for him, before playing another tune, holding on a note until Bean eats another piece of steak. As soon as the violinist turns his back on him, Bean spits it down the man's trousers. Spotting that a woman on a neighbouring table is distracted by the tunes of the violin, Bean takes her handbag and puts pieces of the steak into it, but while putting it back, he manages to make the waiter trip up over his outstretched leg. Using this opportunity to cover up his actions, Bean blames him for his meal being spread everywhere he hid it, leading the maitre d' to apologise for the accident and relocate him to another table. The waiter soon brings over a new meal on the house, which to Bean's horror turns out to be another steak tartare.

Vocabulary to remember

Food              Comida
Bean              Frijol
Table             Mesa
Steak             Filete
Disgusting    Asqueroso
Reading        Leyendo
Bread            Pan
Waiter          Camarero


Answer the questions

1. ¿What is disgusting for MR Bean?
2. ¿What is the food of Mr BEAN?
3. ¿Where is heading Mr Bean?
4. ¿What is a tip in the restaurants?
